
1010 was indeed my BIG DAY!!!

Honestly, from the day I was born, I've never thanked my parents for bringing me into this world, especially my mum knowing how painful and tiring it was giving birth to me! Well, it's not that I don't apppreciate it but I just never thought of it til recently when I came to read the messages that most of you left thanking my parents for bringing me into this world! Sigh, I guess I was really clumsy and stupid as all I could think of was how to celebrate my birthday... haha! So, in the future all of us must remember to thank our parents during our birthdays by giving them gifts or at least celebrating with them, yeah?

Come to think of it, I have nearly reached the middle stage of my life! Have I seriously thought of what I wanna achieve or what I have achieved?

What I have achieved...YES! I am so 'Happy & Fortunate' to be loved and supported by so many of you :-)

But what i wanna achieve...The answer is i dont know...haha!


Many reasons... Though I'm a person who very much like to be in control of my life, I guess there are many things which is beyond my control at this point of time! I might have many plans in mind but being an artist, I just have to leave most things aside and focus on my job! Actually, it's not that bad... there are pros and cons to everything in life! Sometimes u win, sometimes u lose but i hope I can enjoy and learn from these experiences :-) Being negative will just make life miserable and that's one of the reasons why I've always said that I don't really look for big achievements in my showbiz career! If I could, it would be great but if I couldn't, it would be no big deal but of course, I am willing to give all I could during the remaining path of my life! Recently, I read a book and I totally agree with the saying... "天份是有極限but努力是沒有極限的"!

Superman, Superman, Superman... What a great title to have!!! Michael Jordan has had the same title too during those days :-) During my teenage life, I love challenges and my competitive spirit was very strong when it comes to sport... Training was tough but I could stand the pain and go for that extra mile! I believe all these experiences help tremendously in terms of how i face my work now! Of course, I sometimes do get tired physically and mentally but I can easily find ways to motivate myself and start working again so I guess that's why resting too much to me is a waste of time... haha! At my age, I guess I've been through a lot in my showbiz or personal life and having the chance to fly here and there and most importantly, interacting with so many of you from all over the world! So, when some of my supporters started calling me Superman, well... I somehow agree with it :-)

Recently, many started to worry about my health and some even asked me not to be superman anymore... haha! Dont worry too much... I know how to recharge myself! Vacation or going back to brunei helps a lot and that's why sometimes, I really don't wish to see any of you follow me back as I need to recover :-) During my most recent trip back in Brunei, I was extremely tired as my room was done with the renovation and I had to unpack and arrange all my belongings, in which most are gifts and letters from so many of you :-) It brought back lots of memories as I went through most of the stuff you guys gave... In fact, I am very happy that though few no longer support me, majority of you are still here and even newbies! I am sure you guys know I really do cherish all of you all these while...i really do :-)

I have also bought a big present for myself this year... It's my number 1 dream car - Lamborghini Gallardo! It's the most expensive thing I have ever bought with my hard earned money and why did i do that?

Well, life is short and we never know when we will be gone! I've worked so hard and sacrificed quite a lot these few years and i just felt I should be rewarded and make myself really happy when I have the chance to do so and Bingo... I did not even even think twice about buying it! Is it a waste of money? I don't think so because it's one of my dreams and that's why I've always said 'Dare to Dream'! I dreamt about it, I worked hard for it and why should I hesitate when I can actually make my dreams come true, right? Honestly, I've also made my close friends and family members' dreams come true! Driving this car is almost every guys' dream and because I've already own it, I wouldn't wanna to keep it all to myself so I would let them drive too, which makes the money I paid for truly worth it... Of course, they need to be VERY VERY CAREFUL....Hahaaa :-)

I mentioned in my birthday party that I really don't wish to receive anymore gifts in the future unless it's my birthday... I have said it over and over again and I hope this birthday wish of mine come true this time! I hate seeing you guys disappointed every time I reject your gifts so please listen to me ok? Alternatively, you guys can do charitable activities and I will be more than happy to support that. I hope all of you understand the reason on this decision as you guys have spent a lot of money on me already and it's also time to save some for yourself and make yourself happy too :-)

24th and 25th October will be our concert in Taipei and this is one which many of you have anticipated for all these while! I believe it will definitely be one of the best concerts we have had so far as after the many experiences we have encountered, we have improve a lot and because this concert will be recorded and produced into DVD, we are all excited! Get ready, bring your lightboard and light up the Taipei arena and make this night a memorable one for all of us yeah!!!

Quote to share: -

"The better a man is, the more mistakes he will make, for the more new things he will try. I would never promote to a top-level job a man who was not making mistakes...otherwise he is sure to be mediocre."
- Peter Druker

Chun says " Dont be afraid to make mistakes"



在我人生里 還沒發生過的
記得 昨晚明明檢查了手機的鬧鐘

我想 是手機sot 了
查了我的設定 鬧鐘是設在7.15am啊
可是 為什么手機的首頁顯示7.20am
難道 鬧鬼了

然后 今早不懂發生什么事
原本只要30分鐘的路程 竟然要拖到1個多小時

不用說 今天上班遲到咯
我的報告上 一定有一個紅字的啦

衰啊 !!



她媽媽 離開了我們

在預備班的時候 就認識他們一家
在她家過夜 幾乎是我們在中學的生涯長做的一件事

過年的時候 最喜歡她的糕餅
她知道我們喜歡 所以常常都弄好多

我們大家只能在春節的時候 才去拜訪她
每次都答應她 會到KL的住處找她
可是 沒有一次有做到

今年的春節 也沒有去拜訪她
而今 她卻在睡夢中悄悄的離開了我們

Aunty 一路走好


朋友說: hey,你的blog很久沒有更新了哦。。。

無可否認 當初寫blog是一時好玩
久了 真的有點懶了

寫blog這種東西 對我來說 是屬于隨性吧
喜歡寫什么 就寫什么
不像其他朋友的blog 都有一個主題
所以 他們才有這么多東西寫和分享吧

住了整12年的公寓 雖然不是同樣的單位
但是 真的很舍不得
從我來到KL 就一直住在的這棟公寓
從以前到現在 都沒有多大的改變
期間 來來去去的同房同屋朋友

這里 的確很方便
從以前上學 到現在上班
我不用想其他人一樣 忍受塞車的痛苦

然而 我還是要離開她了
會很想念這里的mamak 檔 想念他的nasi lemak
想念早上aunty 的米粉面



